All courses are SkillsFuture Credit deductible.


What is WSQ?

WSQ is a national certification that enhances the capabilities, productivity, and growth of both individuals and employers.

WSQ Singapore

The Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) is a national credential system that trains, develops, assesses and certifies skills and competencies for the workforce.

Training programmes developed under the WSQ system are based on skills and competencies validated by employers, unions and professional bodies. This process ensures existing and emerging skills and competencies that are in demand are used to inform training and development under WSQ.

I believe in a fulfilling career

I am able to adapt and transform

I am a lifelong learner

WSQ Singapore.
The Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) is a national credential system that trains, develops, assesses and certifies skills and competencies for the workforce.
Training programmes developed under the WSQ system are based on skills and competencies validated by employers, unions and professional bodies. This process ensures existing and emerging skills and competencies that are in demand are used to inform training and development under WSQ.


A competency-based system, designed to develop job role-specific skills and competencies, as well as generic skills and competencies that are required across job roles


Does not require academic pre-requisites for entry. Available in bite-sized modules leading to the award of a Statement of Attainment.


Makes available skills and qualification pathways which align to the Skills Framework for the respective sectors.


Statements of Attainment and qualifications are quality assured and awarded by SkillsFuture Singapore and/or in partnership with established awarding bodies.

Find A New Skill

SkillsFuture & WSQ Courses

Baking Bread & Tarts

Baking Bread & Tarts

The 2 modules build on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the learners, acquired from going through this module.

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Hands-on Cookies Making

Hands-on Cookies Making

The module for Make Basic Cakes and Make Cookies build on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the learners, acquired from going through these modules.

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Cakes and Cookies Baking

Cakes and Cookies Baking

The module for Make Basic Cakes and Make Cookies build on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the learners, acquired from going through these modules.

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Videography and Video Editing

Videography and Video Editing

Learn how to shoot and edit your own videos for your business or your personal YouTube channel. Attract your own pool of subscribers and WOW them with your video editing skills!

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Social Media Simplified

Social Media Simplified

Gone are the old ways of meeting new people. Join us and we’ll help you to catch up with today’s digital age!
Learn the skills of Photography, Videography and Graphic Design to create engaging and authentic content on Social Media to build your following.

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